

Technisch notwendige Cookies

Cookie Manager

hasConsent: Stores the cookie consent of the user

Tiny Slider

tC, tPL, tMQ, tTf, t3D, tTDu, tTDe, tADu, tADe, tTE, tAE: Save browser capability values to localStorage, so they will not be recheck again until browser get upgraded or user clear the localStorage manually.


awc: The "awc" value is a parameter that is appended to the landing page URL by Awin to identify the source of the click. You must configure your site to record the awc value when the end user lands on the site, using a server-side scripting language. This value will be used to populate the cks parameter on conversion. This function needs to be called on every page.

Weitere Cookies


_omappvp: used for determining new vs. returning visitors. Expires in 11 years.

_omappvs: used to determine when a new visitor becomes a returning visitor.

om-global-cookie / omGlobalSuccessCookie: used to prevent any future OptinMonster campaigns from showing on your site. Disabled by default, can be edited in the Site settings.

om-interaction-cookie / omGlobalInteractionCookie: used to determine if a visitor has interacted with any campaign on your site. Default is 30 days, can be edited or disabled.

om-{id} / om-{campaignSlug}: used to determine if a visitor has interacted with a campaign ID of {id} / {campaignSlug} on your site. No expiration date.

omSeen-{campaignSlug}: used to determine if a visitor has been shown a campaign by the slug. No expiration date.

om-success-{id} / omSuccess-{campaignSlug}: used to determine if a visitor has successfully opted in to a campaign with the ID of {id} / {campaignSlug} on your site. No expiration date.

om-success-cookie / omSuccessCookie: used to determine if a visitor has successfully opted in to any campaign on your site. Default is 365 days, can be edited or disabled.

om-{id}-closed / omSlideClosed-{campaignSlug}: used specifically with slide-in campaigns {id} / {campaignSlug} to determine if it has been closed or not by a visitor. No expiration date.

omCountdown-{campaignSlug}-{elementId}: used for countdown elements {elementId} in campaigns {campaignSlug} to determine when it should complete.

In addition to cookies, OptinMonster also makes use of your visitor’s local and session storage in their browser. As with cookies, these are not used externally (3rd party) for any purpose. They are specific to your site and allow for personalization based on your visitor’s interaction with your site.

omSessionStart: used to determine the current session time of the visitor on your site. Expires with the session.

omSessionPageviews: used to determine the number of pages seen by a visitor during their browsing session on your site. Expires with the session.

omFoldersSeen: used to determine the folders containing campaigns that have been seen by a visitor.

omFoldersOptin: used to determine the folders containing campaigns that have been opted in by a visitor.

omFoldersClosed: used to determine the folders containing campaigns that have been closed by a visitor.

omLastSeen: used to determine the last time a specific visitor was seen on your site.

omVisitsFirst: used to hold page, referrer and timestamp data for when a specific visitor first visited to your site.

omVisits: used to hold the journey data for a specific visitor on your site.


_aw_m_11341: Stores a reference to an individual click to attribute a sale between publisher and advertiser websites. Duration 1 year.

Google Analytics

_ga: 2 years; Used to distinguish users.

_gid: 24 hours; Used to distinguish users.

_ga_gtag_UA_53811979_1: 2 years; Used to persist session state.

_gac_gb_gtag_UA_53811979_1: 90 days; Contains campaign related information. If you have linked your Google Analytics and Google Ads accounts, Google Ads website conversion tags will read this cookie unless you opt-out.


uid: 1 year; User identifier on our network.

optout: 5 years; Optout cookie. Allows the user to sign off some of Criteo's service.

zdi: 6 months; Passback loop detection. It counts the number of times that the user is passed on one specific zone.

eid: 6 months; External ID. It contains the user id of our partners. It is used for the reselling of pump inventory.

opt: 1 year; Opt out advertiser or publisher or temporary. We continue on tracking users on the other advertisers/publishers.

r.ack: 1 hour; Cookie used in classic EBS.

cto_lwid: 13 months; A unique ID per user per Partner.